Nuremberg’s Spielwarenmesse opened in late January for the 74th time – and succeeded in matching last year’s high numbers.

A staggering total of 2,362 exhibitors from 71 countries presented their innovations and trends in a significantly enlarged space and made successful use of the expanded range of options. The amended hall structure, event-packed Specials and new networking opportunities helped some 57,500 visitors from 126 nations to navigate their way, easily and enjoyably, through the diverse range of products.

On the exhibitor front, Alison Coates of Just Play said: “Our stand was busy all day, every day – there was a real buzz around the show,” The positivity of exhibitors’ opinion was also on the rise in terms of service and activities.

Christian Ulrich, board spokesperson at Spielwarenmesse eG, said: “The continuous marked improvement in content and the addition of Hall 3C, accommodating Baby & Infant Articles and Lifestyle Products, made efficient circuits around the fair easier and created synergies at Spielwarenmesse that were clearly appreciated.”

Exhibitors also had high praise for the way Spielwarenmesse maintained its family character despite its immense size, with the networking opportunities being particularly popular. And once again the ToyAward, the prestigious industry prize in six product categories, was presented live on the big stage.

In total, 96% of participants would recommend other companies to attend. Next year’s show will be
its 75th birthday and takes place from 27 to 31 January 2026.

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