Same time and same locations – end of May at St James Court Hotel & St Ermin’s Hotel, London.

Distoy is Europe’s only toy show in which the exhibitors’ sole aim is to attract toy distributors from all over the world to review product and marketing opportunities.

The St James Court Hotel in Buckingham Gate and the St Ermin’s Hotel in neighbouring Caxton Street Hotel will open their doors again to Distoy 2025 on May 27th – up to and including May 30th just as they did for the first Distoy show in 2012. Once again, the aim is to bring the right people together. Visitors are expected to arrive from all over the world – in fact any country where there is an active toy industry seeking to diversify its product offering.

The informal nature of the show, in which bedrooms become showrooms and lobbies and bars become offices, has been the key to the success over the years. Marketing and product reviews held “behind closed doors” ensure absolute privacy – appreciated by exhibitor and visitor alike. The comfortable and confidential atmosphere in the hotel environment would be difficult to achieve in any other type of venue.

Those intending to visit the show can register via the visitor page on the Distoy website.

Some showroom opportunities are still available and those who wish to like to book one should apply as soon as possible.

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